
Welcome from the Principal:

The governors, staff and I are delighted to welcome you and your child to British school.

We are sure that your association with us will be a happy and successful one and that together we can establish a positive relationship between home and school.

British school values each individual child. We see ourselves as an integral part of the local community and we endeavour to support and enrich its identity. We are keen to promote excellent standards of work and behaviour through high quality teaching and a curriculum which is broad and challenging. British school is a rapidly improving school in Chennai and everyone connected with it is committed to ensuring your child enjoys the highest quality educational opportunities. Parents are very much part of this work and we recognise that we need your support if we are to succeed in giving your child the very best education possible.


This website is intended to give you some helpful information about our school. If there is anything that you wish to discuss, please contact us. We will be pleased to help in any way we can.